Sunday, October 28, 2007

Idea for Making A Unique Info Product

The number one reason people use the internet is: Information!

Yes, information is still the main reason people browse the internet. It's a powerful tool for researching and obtaining the information you are looking for without leaving your house.

If you're looking for a way to afford to stay at home, you should look into marketing information. Selling information is a very profitable business.

But what product will you offer and on what topic?

The following is a helpful article by Marlon Sanders. Marlon has had many years of experience in the field of selling info products on the internet. His article gives insight in helping you to find and develop a unique product - your product - to produce, set up, and profit from.


"How to Make Money As An Info Product Marketer By Cashing In On The Amazing Power Of "The-One-And-Only."

Subtitle: Why You Don't Gotta Be A Rocket Scientist Or Extreme Expert To Get Started In The Info Product Business -- And A Simple Way To Cash In On Quick Hit Products You Can Create THIS Week!

Marlon here.

You know how when you get started as a newbie in this business you don't know WHAT to sell, WHO to sell it to or HOW you are gonna get started?

I'm gonna break it down for you today and give you a simple, easy, non-threatening way to get started in this business.

First, you have the big boys on the block in any highly lucrative market.

They pull out all the big guns -- sophisticated product launches, video, high end membership sites, seminars, coaching.

This is the full arsenal.

And frankly, the skill level is beyond most beginners unless you have exceptional talent.

There's another kind of player -- the Guerrilla player. This player knocks off specific topics the big boys overlook or don't cover.

What they do is create little info products, PDF reports, ebooks, teleseminars that cover very specific topics within the broad, overall market.

The advantage of these products is they are fairly quick hits to create.

The other advantage is you can round up 10 of the products into a bundle and sell that. Or you can break them out and sell them separately.

I'll give you an example: I've mentioned the market recently that that teaches guys how to meet girls. And visa versa, girls and women how to meet guys.

I ran across a site the other day that was cool. He isn't a big name in the market. So he just is hitting topics that are very specific that no one else is covering in as much depth.

For example -- the phone.

All guys DREAD calling that girl or woman they just met on the phone to ask for that illusive date.

So what this guy did is created a little audio product JUST on that. Only he added one twist to it that I thought was very clever -- He KNEW guys get all nervous about picking up the phone and CALLING.

So his little info product teaches them how to do it via TEXT messaging! Brilliant. He just solved a big anxiety, a big problem.

And no other "gurus" in that market teach guys how to do the text game in as much detail (or hardly at all). So he took a little simple method he'd discovered for getting dates by text messaging and made a little $20.00 product out of it.

Yeah, no one gets rich off of a $20.00 product. But he does sell bigger ticket back end stuff. And here again, he has chosen the role of the GUERRILLA.

He picked a topic hardly anyone else is doing seminars or big tickets on -- daytime. How to meet girls and women in coffee shops, bookstores and other daytime activities.

So here he is in this crowded market. And he's founds some topics to focus on that are not well covered by the big guns.

In Red Factor, I called these "underserved" markets for those of you who are plugged into that body of knowledge.

Here's another one I spotted.

The point is, you may be new and wondering what YOU can sell in a crowded market or in ANY market! The answer is to find some topics that are IGNORED by everybody else.

Then you make those topics your specialty or the focus of your ebooks, audios, interviews, teleseminars, seminars or whatever.

Now, I've built my whole business on what I call FLANKING moves. These are similar to Guerrilla moves but are different. The basic idea, though, is similar.

You sell to underserved markets. Vintage Red Factor thinking there.

And if you're a struggling beginner wondering WHAT do you sell, start looking for some little topics in a market that no one else has done anything on.

That would make you the one and only on that topic.

I used to sign my name: Marlon Sanders, the one and only.

Now you know why.

I don't care HOW crowded the market. You can always find those Red Factor opportunities, those Guerrilla topics, those Flanking moves that no one else is covering.

It's a LOT easier to sell when you are the ONLY one with a product on the topic!

One last example: There's a guy in the magic field who had a trick that he stopped selling (because he got out of the trick selling business). I've heard the trick now sells for $1,000 on Ebay.

The trick is a gimmick that lets you FLOAT a bottle without strings attached. Most levitations of stuff that are close up involve some sort of string, and therefore can ONLY be done with very light stuff.

His levitation?

You can float heavy stuff like bottles. And you can do it close up. And there are no strings used!

How crazy is that?

The point? Here's a killer trick with a SOLID USP. It's a great little product because it's a "one and only."

I hope I've convinced YOU to consider being a "one-and-only." And to start out in this business by doing little quick hit products you can knock out in under a week. Or even a few hours.

Remember that little phone call product I told you about? It was $20.00 and just a little audio the guy made. But it had great info.

He could get $39.00 for it or maybe $49.00 if he transcribed it into a tidy little PDF.

Marlon Sanders
"The one and only"
Marlon Sanders is the author of "The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy." If you'd like to get on his mailing list and receive tips, articles and information about online marketing, visit:

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Solving the Mystery of Private Label Rights Content

PLR aka "Private Label Rights" - you hear the term used often on the Internet. Yet there's still much mystery and misunderstanding surrounding PLR and it's appropriate use. Can the explanation be simplified?

What is PLR or Private Label Rights content? How can you use PLR content? Are there limitations as to how I'm allowed to use PLR content? How can it benefit you and your business? And last, but not least, where can you find PLR content?

What is PLR Content?

Simply put, PLR content is content that does not originate from your own pen. It is content written by someone else that you can use and put your signature to it. It is not copyrighted.

When people search the Internet, it is frequently for information. One of the most difficult tasks of building your business on the Internet where "content is king," is providing useful content.

To put up some useful content, you have several options:

  • You can write it yourself.
  • You can hire someone else to do the writing.
  • You can obtain PLR content relative to your web site theme, and use it.
Using PLR content is a great accelerator to writing useful content.

While you still may want to research your subject and rewrite your PLR content to suit your need, using PLR content can be a great time-saver and money-saver.

At the least, writing your own content from scratch will be time-consuming. And hiring someone else to write your content will cost money.

How Can I Use PLR Content?

There are many ways you can use PLR content.
  1. Websites
  2. Business blogs
  3. Newsletters
  4. Mini-courses and training
  5. eBooks

Are There Any Limitations to Using PLR Content?

When you obtain PLR content from a PLR content provider, there is usually a limitation related to the resale of the material in it's original form to others. No, unless you have permission to resell your private label rights content from it's source, this is a no-no.

My recommendation to you is to read and abide by the terms set forth by your PLR content provider.

However, it is possible to rewrite your content to make it into a new product that you can use to sell as PLR content. But you cannot pass on the content you received in form that you received it!

What are the Benefits of Using PLR?

1. It saves you time.

You may be great at writing. But there are many other tasks that you need to attend to when you are setting up your Internet business. Using PLR content provides the "skeleton" that you can use to write great content for your business. While you may have to do a little rewriting or a little research to make it useful and original, it beats starting from scratch!

2. It saves you money.

While you may have to purchase your content from a PLR content provider, the cost for PLR content is small compared to hiring a writer to write your content.

Many PLR content membership providers allow you to "test drive" their product for free before you commit to a membership. There are also other PLR content providers that sell PLR content packs on individual subjects.

Where Can I Find PLR Content?

There are many places to find PLR content providers. Just type "PLR" into a Google search box and see how many sites offer PLR content. There are many offers of PLR content you can also find on eBay.

I also have a review-resource page that lists PLR content providers that I like and use. You can find my recommendations at PrivateLabelRights for content.

Some are free to try. Some cost a little, some cost more. The PLR content providers that cost more usually offer more.

PLR content is available to you for almost every application and at a cost anyone can afford.

My best wishes for your success!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

You're Invited to Join - Espired Membership

I joined a few months back and took a "wait-and-see" attitude before recommending Paul Kleinmeulman's web site to anyone.

After poking around and returning multiple times, I can now officially say, "" is inspiring and a valuable resource for people who are looking to be pointed in the right direction of having a successful internet marketing business.

So, without further ado, I would like to announce The Launch Of Espired Membership...

It's not often that you hear an Australian making it big online, but that is exactly what Paul Kleinmeulman is doing and because internet marketing has allowed him to achieve his dreams, in both income, travel and family time, he wants to give back.

Espired Membership is Paul Kleinmeulman's way of giving back to the internet community by showing you how he was able to become so successful so quickly.

He shares with you what works and what doesn't about the following topics, when building a successful business online....

Unchanging Internet Marketing Principles...

Product Creation Methods...

Killer Copywriting Methods...

Traffic Techniques...

List Building And Email Marketing Methods...

Affiliate Marketing Tactics...

Outsourcing Systems...

For all the details check out...

It just opened in July 2007 and it's brand new. I am in... Will I see you there too?

Here's to your online success.

Jo Rasmussen

Now playing: Dionne Warwick & The Spinners - Then Came You (S K Y . F M - Oldies - The 50s, 60s, & 70s - three decades of great oldies on
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

If You Fail to Plan...

As the old saying goes, "If you fail to plan, plan to fail." Or something like that :-)

This is never more truer than when your start your business.

One of the most crucial steps to a successful business is planning. Nobody goes into business with the goal to fail; yet many business go belly-up within the 1st year of opening.

What could they be doing wrong? Could it be that they failed to have a realistic plan?

So, before jumping in, you need to count the cost of starting your business. You need to research thoroughly your dream or idea - and how to make it come true.

Whether you decide you want to open a retail store, a carpet-cleaning service, or a website selling baskets - you need to make a plan... and write it down.

So, what do you need in your plan?

First it would be good to examine your talents and abilities.

Doing what comes natural is a lot easier than starting to learn something from scratch. Not that you will know everything about your business from the start. (You will learn a lot as you go along). However, you will already have come a long way if you have an existing talent or ability that you can build a business around.

So right now - you need to get a piece of paper and begin to write down a few ideas.

Write down things you know about, things you like, things you've done, and things you'd like to learn. Start from your remembrances as a child and continue right up to whatever age you are right now.

I'll give you an example of what I would write (if it were me):

I have worked as:

  1. A telephone operator
  2. A secretary/stenographer
  3. An insurance underwriter/salesperson
  4. A house/office cleaner
  5. A bookkeeper
  6. A school bus driver
  7. A safety instructor/coordinator
Over the years I've taught myself:
  1. How to sew, knit, stitching
  2. Play musical instruments
  3. Computer - upgrading, repairing, maintenance
  4. Internet marketing
  5. How to design web pages
I could go on and on - and this doesn't even touch what I like to do such as hobbies!

So, enough about me...

This is about you - and starting up your own idea for a business.

The first step is to start with a plan...

After you've done that, I'll tell you the next step in a "not so far in the future" post.