Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thinking About A Business Online?

Food for thought:

Will you act during the economic downturn, or simply REACT?

Don't let fear of the recession guide your goal setting plans for 2009. This is a BIG mistake...!

Fear is an emotional response, only good for short-term survival.

When you're in "fight or flight" mode, you're not thinking clearly about the path you're running... You're just RUNNING!

So your efforts lack strategy, planning, and insight.

I want you to do more than just survive 2009.

Internet shopping is predicted to hit $145.1 Billion in the coming year, a significant 14% increase -- despite the recession!

Consumers will be spending more time at home, using their computers for everything from bargain hunting and product research to upgrading skills.

Studies show this shift is ALREADY well underway...!

I don't want the Big "R" to stop you from pursuing exciting personal, financial, and business goals in 2009, so through the link below, I've arranged to get you exclusive VIP access to an important video that Internet marketing guru Derek Gehl just put up on his site.

Derek's been successfully selling on the Internet for over a decade now, and he's brought in over $100 MILLION in sales...

... so he's by far the BEST person to advise you about how to thrive in ANY market.

When you watch his FREE Goal Setting Video, you'll discover how you can make 2009 your richest year yet:

Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness in 2009!


P.S. Derek's also going to be hosting a FREE Webinar in the first week of January to help everyone kick-off their New Year's goals with a bang.

You can register for it here:

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tips to Organize All Your PLR Content

If you've been working online for any amount of time, you've probably purchased private label rights content at some point or another. PLR is a great tool that helps website owners add quality content to their websites without having to hire a ghostwriter to write it all for them or spend countless hours writing all of their content from scratch.

If you've purchased your fair share of PLR and find that it's taking up tons of space on your computer's hard drive and you're having a hard time determining what content you've used and where and which articles you still have available for use, you'll be happy to know, you're not alone. It's not uncommon to becoming disorganized with your PLR, until now that is.

Here's one way you can organize your PLR content so that you know what's been used and what is still waiting to find it's way to the spotlight of your website or newsletter.

First, organize all your PLR by either niche or website. If you own more than one website it might be best to use the later organization method. Move all the articles that you want to use on that website into the site's folder. Within your website folder create two folders. The first labeled "Rewritten - Ready for Posting to site" and the second, "Used."

By creating two separate folders you can move the articles to the "Rewritten" folder once you've reworked them and they are ready to be added to your blog or website. After you have added them to your site, simply cut and paste the article to the "Used" folder.

And don't forget there are tons of ways to use the same article over and over. If you're looking for PLR eCourses that you can use to teach others about the many uses of PLR, have a look at this:

More Information About Using PLR