Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thinking About A Business Online?

Food for thought:

Will you act during the economic downturn, or simply REACT?

Don't let fear of the recession guide your goal setting plans for 2009. This is a BIG mistake...!

Fear is an emotional response, only good for short-term survival.

When you're in "fight or flight" mode, you're not thinking clearly about the path you're running... You're just RUNNING!

So your efforts lack strategy, planning, and insight.

I want you to do more than just survive 2009.

Internet shopping is predicted to hit $145.1 Billion in the coming year, a significant 14% increase -- despite the recession!

Consumers will be spending more time at home, using their computers for everything from bargain hunting and product research to upgrading skills.

Studies show this shift is ALREADY well underway...!

I don't want the Big "R" to stop you from pursuing exciting personal, financial, and business goals in 2009, so through the link below, I've arranged to get you exclusive VIP access to an important video that Internet marketing guru Derek Gehl just put up on his site.

Derek's been successfully selling on the Internet for over a decade now, and he's brought in over $100 MILLION in sales...

... so he's by far the BEST person to advise you about how to thrive in ANY market.

When you watch his FREE Goal Setting Video, you'll discover how you can make 2009 your richest year yet:

Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness in 2009!


P.S. Derek's also going to be hosting a FREE Webinar in the first week of January to help everyone kick-off their New Year's goals with a bang.

You can register for it here:

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tips to Organize All Your PLR Content

If you've been working online for any amount of time, you've probably purchased private label rights content at some point or another. PLR is a great tool that helps website owners add quality content to their websites without having to hire a ghostwriter to write it all for them or spend countless hours writing all of their content from scratch.

If you've purchased your fair share of PLR and find that it's taking up tons of space on your computer's hard drive and you're having a hard time determining what content you've used and where and which articles you still have available for use, you'll be happy to know, you're not alone. It's not uncommon to becoming disorganized with your PLR, until now that is.

Here's one way you can organize your PLR content so that you know what's been used and what is still waiting to find it's way to the spotlight of your website or newsletter.

First, organize all your PLR by either niche or website. If you own more than one website it might be best to use the later organization method. Move all the articles that you want to use on that website into the site's folder. Within your website folder create two folders. The first labeled "Rewritten - Ready for Posting to site" and the second, "Used."

By creating two separate folders you can move the articles to the "Rewritten" folder once you've reworked them and they are ready to be added to your blog or website. After you have added them to your site, simply cut and paste the article to the "Used" folder.

And don't forget there are tons of ways to use the same article over and over. If you're looking for PLR eCourses that you can use to teach others about the many uses of PLR, have a look at this:

More Information About Using PLR

Sunday, October 12, 2008

How To Set Up Your Own Office Anywhere

Modern technology makes it simple to set up an office almost anywhere. Cell phones, email, laptops and updated office situations offer unlimited opportunities to start your own business. Whether you want a full-time enterprise or a part-time income, you need the right setup to be successful. Take advantage of advanced technology to have a convenient, functional office on
your own terms.

Home Offices
Renovate your garage, family room or even a large closet into your own office space. Create a corner in the house just for your work. Have a designated area for files, your computer and other
business essentials. Stay organized so you know where everything is and don't have to waste time looking for it. Scattering your work around the house makes it difficult to run a successful
enterprise no matter how large or small.

Go Mobile
Sometimes occurrences at home make it impossible to focus on the business at hand. Have a laptop and cell phone ready so you can work at your favorite park, coffee shop or library. If peace and quiet are impossible to attain in one spot, take your work elsewhere for awhile. Often the change of scenery helps you regain focus so you can get back to business more effectively.

Virtual Offices
Virtual offices provide a designated business address, telephone number and fax number along with an answering service and receptionist. For a monthly fee, you can set up a virtual office in almost any major city in the world. Virtual offices also create a presence in a metropolitan area and give your business image a boost. If you need a professional space to meet with clients, most virtual offices have conference rooms available on short notice. Having a virtual office also makes it easier to work at home. You have someone else receiving packages, telephone calls, faxes and mail so you can work without interruption. A virtual office also maintains the privacy of your home address and phone number.

Managed Offices
Managed offices are run by a management company that rents out rooms and suites to various businesses. Everyone has a shared receptionist, answering service, security and common areas such as lobbies, restrooms and conference rooms. You can rent an impressive single office or suite in a local business area without a long term lease or buying office space. This gives businesses more freedom to expand, downsize and relocate.

As businesses expand, they often seek virtual offices and managed offices for the access to receptionists and clerical staff. Another option for small enterprises is outsourcing. Use a freelancer to handle writing, research and public relations as you work on other aspects of your business. Hire a virtual assistant to manage appointments, telephone calls and client data. Get help to make your business more profitable and productive.

Start your own business, gain credibility and build profits by customizing your offices to suit your unique needs. Whether you want to quit your day job or supplement your current income, you
can create your own perfect office anywhere and anytime.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Slacker Way - My Review

I just (today, August 2) completed reading a book that I thought you might be interested in and benefit from. It was released on June 10. Okay, I admit it, I'm slow. :-) Well, not really. The usual life distractions just slow me down sometimes.

While it took me more than a month and a half to finish (58 pages), it kept my appetite whetted enough to keep returning. Most of us don't have the time to just sit down and read something from beginning to end in one sitting. But you'll see that once you begin to read, it will be hard to put down.

The Slacker Way stands apart from other "make money online" books in that it is written in easy to understand language from an internet marketer whom I respect, Terry Gibbs. It is filled from beginning to end with information about running an online business with details how Terry himself runs his own business.

Don't let the word "free" scare you into thinking that the information is outdated or substandard - it's not. It's truly a must read for old and new alike!

Some examples of what you'll learn:

  • Simple ways to make money online
  • Using affiliates to sell for you
  • Creating small vs large projects
Again, the book is in PDF format, easy to download on your PC or MAC and is truly free. Just click on the link below!

The Slacker Way -- How To Make Money Online Doing as Little as Possible!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Guest Article: How to Avoid Scams When Starting Your Own Home Business

According to Work At Home Success Online at least three million people lose their money in work from home scams each year. This is an unbelievable number of people when you think of all that they could have done to avoid it. Everyone wants to work for themselves, especially out of the comfort of their own home. Half of the population never gathers up the courage to even try, and for those that do try, it is important that they succeed.

We live in a world where almost everyone is out for his or her own. This makes it hard to know who to trust and hard to know the right path to follow when working from home. This article is going to explain some common mistakes people make that get them involved in scams as well as how to avoid making those mistakes!

There are three very common mistakes that people make when falling into work at home scams.

The first of these mistakes is a simple lack of knowledge. Too many people dive right in to working from home without researching what it will take and what expectations they should have. There are many resources online and at local libraries to educate yourself about working from home before you even begin.

The second mistake has a lot to do with keywords and what you will actually be doing. Working from home means just that, you will be working. You will have to learn early on that there are not any jobs that will pay you for doing nothing. You will be the one paying them, and that is always a scam. You will need to learn the words to look for such as telecommuting, which is legitimate.

The third mistake people make is falling for the propaganda of the scam. A lot of people let their emotions take over in these situations. They get excited about how perfect the opportunity is and never think it through. The easy answer for this is to think before you act. Use common sense before making any decision. It sounds easier said than done, but it is possible.

Now that you are familiar with the mistakes you should learn the very important things to watch out for when working from home. Quite simply there are certain jobs that are always a scam. Look out for these and don't fall victim to them. Job descriptions such as, data entry, typing, envelope stuffing, email processing, or payment processing are scams! If any job advertisement asks you to pay them in order for you to make money, it is definitely a scam! Respectable employers will not make you pay them they will pay you!

Lastly some scams take it to the next level and will try to cheat you out of thousands of dollars. This is done by asking for your bank account information. Never give this information out! It seems like its common sense, but many people get swept up in the moment of opportunity and think it's a good idea! Remember when you begin to work at home to give yourself time to learn and understand everything that is available.

Use common sense always; never net your emotions take control. Be alert for key words and certain job descriptions and make sure you understand all of the details before giving out any information if at all! A truly legitimate work at home opportunity will not get you rich tomorrow. It will take time and patience on your part, but it will be worth it in the end. Staying away from scams will be your key to an honest future!

David Ogden is an established online marketer who specializes in practical website resources and advice that have helped many people like you start their very own home based business. He can help you launch your very own money making website today, ready to take orders and pull in massive profits for you right now, guaranteed!

Want to make money online now?

Internet Business Training Program

Copyright - David Ogden

Article Source:

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Nearing Retirement...

Well, not really.

My famous last words, “I will never retire! I love work too much!”

I said it in my 30's, repeated it in my 40's...

Now I'm in my middle 50's – and rethinking the philosophy of my younger years, trying to redefine – or refine (better said) that phrase.

It's true – I really do love to work. Or maybe MY definition of work.

Looking back, whatever I was doing (or working) at the time, I enjoyed.

I started my work history at age 11 on my dad's farm – carrying milk in a pail to the milk parlor, feeding and watering calves, sweeping walkways. In the summer there was even more work loading haybales onto a haywagon and bringing the bales of hay back to the barn to be taken off – bale by bale – up the elevator to the haymow.

I was paid $5.00 a month for the barn work... and in the summer we (my sister and I) were paid $.50 per hour for getting in the hay. It paid for our school clothes, records (LPs) and a day at the local fair in August.

I worked the farm until I was seventeen.

Then I got a parttime job working as a telephone operator in town.

I saved and saved my money – and about a year later (in 1971), I had saved enough for a down payment on a car – my first car – a new car!

So, my life began – my adult working life.

So, I'm not stranger to work.

Today, I work in a pupil transportation (school bus) office. I've been here 19 years... and have loved it.

But it's getting near the time that I want to spend more time with my family, my granddaughters in particular.

I want to slow down... but I do not want to stop!

One of the reasons I started an online business was because as I looked at the future predictions of social security and pensions, it really is NOT going to be enough.

I will either be a very poor senior citizen... or I will be a senior who has a way to work from home and supplement what little pittance the government may (or may not) give me.

I majored in business courses in high school and kept jobs close to my love of organization and business-related employment.

When the first computers entered the market of “ordinary people,” I waited for something to knock me off my feet before going out and getting one of my own...

I had already learned (self-taught) DOS, dBase, WordStar, etc. on an old computer (“Victor” - we named him) at work. And he ran on 5 1/2” floppies!

When Windows was introduced and the “486's” came out – I had to “get me one” - and I did.

Not long after came AOL – oh, getting on the Internet was SO SLOW on my computer with a 2800 baud modem, 450 Mb hard drive and 4 Mhz RAM. But the thrill – I can still feel it 16 some odd years later!

Speed ahead to 2008...

Computers and my business background...

I have always had this gut feeling that these two were meant to be wedded together.

And my drive to use the computer as a tool (NOT for Solitaire :-) – but to make money – now and into my retirement years.

Of course, all of this does not come by magic.

I started to educate and search out information on topics so that I can make this a reality.

So, building a business online does not come without some blood, sweat and tears. It does not come without sorting through the mess – oops – mass of good and yes, bad information on the Internet today.

You must be willing to learn, and take some chances.

What kind of chances?

Well, remember my first computer and how s-l-o-w it was? When the next wave of computers came out – larger hard drives, more RAM – do you know what I did?

I could not go out and just buy the newest technology everytime “they” made changes.

So I decided I had to learn to upgrade the computer I had.

The first thing I did was buy some RAM at a local computer fair. The man said that all I had to do was open up my case, look for a slot (he showed me) and snap the slender bar into the slot, reboot my computer and (magic) – my computer would be more speedy.

I remember holding the screwdriver (to open my computer case) and saying to my Dad - “Well, here's goes nothing...”

We both held our breaths (did I tell you my Dad, a retired farmer, was my whole computer inspiration?)...

Snap... reboot... and my computer ran faster than ever. Success!

Anyway, my point here?

Don't be afraid to take small chances.

Believe in yourself.

Do you need to go beyond just playing games on your computer?

Then find someone who will teach you. Or better yet – for self-motivators – buy a book. Try some of the suggestions you read.

I got my confidence when I bought - and applied suggestions from the “Windows for Dummies” series. I bought the series for Windows 3.1 (Books 1 and 2), Windows 95 and Windows 98. After gaining confidence and some skill, I discovered I could go to the next level of learning... and the next... and the next.

If you're reading this and nearing retirement age (as I am) – or if you're in your 30's or 40's – don't wait another day to begin learning how to use your computer as a tool. It's powerful... and put to good use, can help you build a business from the comfort of your home.

Educate yourself. Read, research – spend some money (you don't have to spend a lot) for your education.

There are many self-help books out there. Some of them are great, some of them are not so great. But even in the “not so great,” I have found jewels that I've picked out and used successfully.

One book (in particular) that I am reading is the “Retirement Survival Guide.”

Yes, I have a business online – and an accounting business offline... and a full-time job – I'm not retired yet!

But I'm reading everything I can get my hands on.

I want to retire. But I also want the knowledge that will help me retire with some money left over at the end of the month.

Is this you? Then you might want to join me. Again the name of the book is “Retirement Survival Guide.” And you can get more information about this book by clicking on the title (or the Resources below). It will take you to an information/promotional page along with ordering information.

Another suggestion is SiteBuildIt.

SiteBuildIt is great if you have an idea but feel the task of learning so much in so little time is daunting. They guide you from brainstorming your idea to producing a full-fledged webpage. (And the forums are great, too.)

Even it you have several ideas, their Brainstormer tool will help you choose the best idea for your website.

They have a webpage with many case-studies from real people who have used SiteBuildIt. If you click on the link, you can read whether one of these studies may fit you!

An option for brick-and-mortar business owners who don't have the time (or inclination) to build their own website, SiteBuiltIt for your local business has experienced people who will work with you to get you online – and found by your customers.

I know this has been long-winded and I hope that by the time you read this that you don't think that this is pure sales-pitch...

What I say is sincere.

My goal is to be able to retire – or partially retire with my at-home business.

Why? To enjoy my family, my little girls (granddaughters) and life itself!


Retirement Survival Guide
SiteBuildIt Case Studies
SiteBuildIt for Local Businesses

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Starting an Active Blog

Blogging is great for your business.

But many don't know much about blogging much less about setting one up, writing posts, and attracting readers.

Anik Singal and Rosalind Gardner of Affiliate Classroom recently came out with a series of free videos. "Blog Classroom," shows you step-by-step how you can download, install and set up a WordPress blog. The videos are simple to follow and even help you learn to write posts and set up your blog to receive traffic.

In my opinion, the videos are top-notch -- Anik and Ros go more than the extra mile to providing instruction filled with value (especially if you're new to this - like me).

Check it out here and enjoy!


Saturday, April 19, 2008

"Build-a-Biz" Videos to Be Released

I don't like internet marketing hype. So the script that I was asked to post to my mailing list or blog has been edited to MY liking. Guess I'll never "get rich" by being pushy.

If you've been near the internet marketing arena for any length of time, then you may have heard of Derek Gehl from the Internet Marketing Center (formerly owned by Cory Rudl, who passed away unexpectedly a few years ago). Anyway, Derek took over as CEO of the Internet Marketing Center when Cory died.

I have bought his product and in my opinion, and it's pretty complete as far as internet marketing strategy goes. I also bought his product "Insider Secrets of an eBay Millionaire." (No, I haven't become an eBay millionaire - but I'd like to think I'll eventually make it there!)

Anyway, Derek is releasing a free "Build-a-Biz" video training series next week.

Here's the story behind the video series:

Derek was challenged by a frustrated blog reader to "put his money where his mouth is" and PROVE it's possible to build a niche website from scratch in ONE WEEK or less.

Derek has agreed to meet the reader's challenge in front of us. Yes, he's going to videotape the whole process!

These videos will be released over a 4-day period (April 21-24th) -- so YOU can use the strategies Derek's demonstrating to create your OWN money-making website in just a matter of days (if you're quick :-).

You can register for these free "hands-on" instructional videos NOW at:

Like myself, you may be skeptical that anyone can actually build a new niche business from just an idea - especially since the niche he's targeting has NOTHING to do with Internet marketing...

But my skepticism has turned into curiosity. And whatever he's presenting in the videos, I'm sure I can glean something I can use to benefit my internet business.

So come with me and mosy on over to and join me.

At the very least, I believe these free videos will be a fantastic learning experience.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

What's The Best Way to Build a Business Web Site?

If you're a business owner, does one of the following apply to you:

  • You don't have a web site.

  • You have a web site, but it's embarrassing.

  • You have a sharp-looking web site, but nobody visits it.

Wouldn't it be better to have a web site that works to do the job of attracting visitors to your local business?

Ken Evoy, the creator of SiteBuildIt! (SBI!) has helped tens of thousands of small business owners to create successful web sites using the one-and-only online tools at SBI!. This service basically taught ordinary people with a dream, a willingness to learn and a determination to succeed how to use SBI! tools to brainstorm ideas, research keywords, choose a niche and build successful web sites.

This may sound like a lot of work (with a learning curve) to many. And if you have the time and are up to the challenge of learning the dynamics of building a successful web site yourself, I encourage you to sign up - it's really awesome!

However, you, the small business owner wanting to increase your local business presence and get more customers, are busy tending to the "business of making your business work".

You have limited or no knowledge about building a successful web site – or you lack the time to build it and market it so that visitors will find you.

So, you find a local web master to build your web site. **By the way, local web masters may (or may not) be great for building web sites. However, because they do not market your business, the web site they built for you fails to attract the targeted traffic you need and desire.**

So you have a fine looking web site, yet your web site yields slim to no results.

What can you do?

SBI! has recently taken the giant step of helping small businesses – local businesses – mom and pop businesses - to build the web site they only dream about.

You provide the seed – they do all the work.

You can have a web site where local client̬le Рyour potential customers - can find your business on the web.

You've worked hard to build a successful “brick and mortar” or service business.

Does having a web site – a web site that produces customers for you - sound inviting to you?

Then head on over to SiteSell Services and get 'er going - today!

If you're a little hesitant about SBI!, click here to read a local business success story who used SBI! to take her local business to the "next level."

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Benefits of Starting a Medical Transcription Business

Years ago I had a friend who worked in a local hospital as a medical transcriptionist.

The doctor would dictate patient history, treatment, and prognosis to a machine. The when the transcriptionist would come in to work and type up a finished product.

Not only was this an exciting career for my friend. And since no two medical histories were the same - so it was NEVER boring.

We've come a long way - especially since this very work no longer has to be completed in the formal work setting of a business office. This is a career you can pursue at home.

Some of the benefits of starting a medical transcription business are:

Low start up costs - Your biggest investment may be in your education and even that's reasonable for the return you can make on your investment. Other than that you won't require much money and your overhead and supplies will be minimal.

Set your own hours - Work evenings, mornings, or during the day. As long as you meet your turn-around-times, it's up to you when you work.

Low Advertisement Costs - A medical transcription business will grow through word-of-mouth marketing and is also easily marketed with simple flyers and business cards.

Great Earning Potential - A successful medical transcription service can earn anywhere from $20,000 per year (for a part time one person service) to over $200,000 per year for a full medical transcription service. How much you'll earn will be dependent on a number of factors, but there is potential for a decent income.

Flexibility - Expand and grow the business when you like, hire people to help you, work from home, work mainly online or locally - this business allows you a lot of flexibility and choice.

Exciting Career - You'll learn medical terms and get a better understanding of how the human body works. You'll regularly transcribe a variety of reports and learn about diseases, cures, and medical findings. An added benefit for many MTs is that when they go visit their family doctor they feel more able to communicate and understand what all those medical terms mean… this gives you a great sense of empowerment when it comes to your own health.

Prestigious Career - You'll make great contacts and often become friends with many physicians. This usually comes with many extra perks such as great holiday bonuses. You'll learn a valuable career skill for life and a lucrative profession you can feel proud of.

For complete information about starting a medical transcription business, grab your copy of Moms Talk Biz Guide to Starting a Medical Transcription Business - where you will find step-by-step instructions, resources and inside information to start your own medical transcription business from home.